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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Perez

Where are the cameras?

If you were to ask me how life is currently going I would say:

School is going great, my social life is just the perfect amount, my family life is currently full of sweet moments, my friendships are pure joy, my mental health is finally stepping out of a crazy roller coaster, my love life brings me closer to God every day, but I can't help to think "Where are the cameras??"

It is so silly how sometimes we can't accept or fully comprehend how life can really be so good at times.

Is it absolutely perfect? No, because sadly we can never be fully satisfied. However, it is currently the road God knew I needed to be on.

I wish I knew at what point in life I became so set on the idea that I am not deserving of happiness. Some of you might relate to this blog at this point.

I have always been a fairy tale type of girl. I make a wish at every 11:11, I plan my perfect little life on Pinterest, I pray for smiles and giggles every day, and now that so many things are coming true I get scared, anxious, worried??

I truly don't know what the correct word should be.

But one thing I am sure of is how every day I have two choices:

A) I can ACCEPT all the good things happening in my life and BELIEVE I deserve all the blessings


B) I can sabotage everything, ghost everyone in my life, and. create a depressing day that I SOMEHOW believe I am worthy of

I am not sure how many of you are still reading this, but I am here to tell you that the reality is you won't pick answer choice A every single day but those days that you do...

they will be full of joyful small moments that you might hold onto for years to come.

Go create and accept all the smiles, giggles, and happy moments you have always wished for.

I need you to know that most of these blogs I write as a reminder to myself. I know things are easier said than done but if you are out there relating to this blog we can hold each other accountable for choosing option A every morning.

A statement I have been telling myself recently is:

There are no cameras waiting to jump out, this is not a prank, I can either accept these moments or let them slip away.

I love you gorgeous, I hope my blog fam is still out there somewhere, and if no one has told you this recently;

You are deserving of pure happiness.

Until next time,


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