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  • Writer's pictureElizabeth Perez

Keep praying even when your prayers are answered

We live in a world where the Bible isn’t always the first, second, or even third book we recommend to others.

You may be the only one in your family that has faith.

You may be the only one in your friend group.

You may be the one who has always been curious but not ready yet,

or you may be the one who doesn’t think they’re doing enough.

I’m not here to tell you what to do or what to believe in because I would be lying if I said I knew everything or did everything perfectly.

I’m here simply to share that it’s okay for others relationship with Jesus to look differently than yours.

No matter if they are years into their journey, they just bought their first Bible, they post about it, or if they don't..

God seriously loves us ALL.

Having faith is so beautiful in the way that you have the opportunity to seek Jesus in unlimited ways.


  • Journaling

  • Reading your Bible

  • Working out

  • Driving

  • Singing

  • Meditating

  • Showering

  • Getting ready

The opportunities are endless because he is always listening and ready to meet you halfway.

We always hear “I’m praying for you”

and I don’t know about you but I find a lot of comfort in those words.

So if you are the person who says

“I’m praying for you” or “prayers go out to you & whomever “

I challenge you to not just say it, but do it.

If you are the person who doesn’t know what to pray or how to

just start by literally having a conversation.

Hey God it’s me again….

Anyway is better than no way.

One thing I had a hard time learning when I began my journey was thinking I needed a support group to start.

I am here to tell you that it is okay if you don’t have the best support group yet, I promise once you get Jesus in your heart you will radiate so much love and joy.

You will always harvest what you plant.

Galatians 6:7

I promise you will begin to attract God loving people, and people who you may be called to sprinkle a little faith into.

To end this blog I wanted to remind you to not stop praying even after your prayers has been answered.

God is good before, during, and after.

Thank him, listen to him, and share him.

You may not reflect him perfectly but we all know neither do I.

Having faith in God is a life journey and it doesn’t start at the same time for everyone.

It may even start & end multiple times for you,

whichever may be the case, the Lord will always meet you right where you left off.

I haven’t written a blog in a while and I won't lie I thought about deleting it but I had a feeling this needed to be shared.

I love you gorgeous blog fam.

I promise you will be hearing from me again.

You know what to do now:

I am loved.

I am never alone.

I deserve greatness.

I am forgiven.

I am a gift.

I have a purpose.

I will leave you with some of my current favorite verses.


  • Matthew 6:14

  • Luke 1:45

  • Psalm 139:14

  • Isaiah 41:10

Until next time,


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